
We need help raising funds to finish filming, build online courses, and develop in-person adventures for you! We appreciate all contributions, great and small, and will put them to good use. We’ve outlined a few suggested donations, each with a special ‘thank you’ from the team.

$10 : Unlock early-bird access to watch the film before it is released to the public.

$25 : Receive a 15% off code for our online course to use once it’s launched.

$50 : Enjoy a digital download from Andrew James Ferris’ photography collection.

$100 : Get 10% off any freediving certification course with Costa.

$200+ : Be first in line for the launch of our in-person adventures.

Spread the word

Help us share Finding the Wild Within with the world! Follow us on social media, say ‘hi’ in our comments sections, and share our posts!

We are working on setting up FTWW to receive contributions. Folks interested in supporting this project should reach out to us directly.